Calendar 2022

December 22, 2022 (Thursday) at 7pm, Deep in the Dark — Join Dan Torop & Anna Ialeggio in The Soil Factory darkroom on this, the darkest day of the year and experiment developing old film with expired chemicals.

Bring your film! And a snack, if you want to take a chemical-free break. Black and white cookies may be served.

December 11, 2022 (Sunday) 5-7pm, with performances at 6pm

GET SOFT at The Soil Factory
A group exhibition of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate artists working in soft sculpture and performance at Cornell University, organized by Leeza Meksin. 
Shelby Johnson 
Annamariah Knox 
Chloe Mako 
Erin Miller 
Mel Miller 
Havily Nwakuche
Isabel Padilla Bonelli 
Kat Roberts 
Alexis Torres 
Julia Trahan 
JQ Yang

December 10, 2022 (Saturday) arrive 5:30pm,  Environmental Film Screening: Please join us for a screening of final films from the Environmental Film Production course of the Performing and Media Arts Department at Cornell! Student short films range in form and content, exploring ecological questions. At 5:30 we will have snacks and the screening will begin at 6pm. 

Student filmmakers include Kwame Kwakwa, Shuqian Lyu, Yichong Qiu, Javier Ramirez, Wulfgar Ramsey, Alexa Richardson, and Courtney Shore. Their films explore environmental topics through a range of techniques and perspectives.

Thursday December 8, 2022 5:30pm, Glass Factory: 

Remember the glass sculpture on the stage? Join us on a Soil Factory excursion to visit of Rob Scavuzzo’s glass factory ( this evening, where he made the one at The Soil Factory and many other fascinating glass sculptures.

Rob has fired up his kilns for the first time in a while and will also demonstrate glass making while we are there (and maybe a holiday gift…), including material stress testing for the nerds among you. The address is 215 Burdge Hill Rd, Newfield, 5 minutes from The Soil Factory (you have to enter from Burdge Hill Rd, GoogleMaps may send you on a hike…).

December 4, 2022 (Sunday) at 3pm: COMMUNI-TEA PARTY
Artists Annamariah Knox and Linda Weintraub invite you to the closing of their highly successful Soil Factory exhibition. Thaw out and warm up with healthful teas from winter trees: taste bark, leaves, roots, branches, flowers. 

Your role is to Select. Blend. Steep. Sip. and Share. Please bring-your-own tea cup and spoon, and don’t forget to engage with the interactive artworks.

Questions? Contact

Margot screening

December 2, 2022 (Friday) 6:00pm: An evening of earth-sensory shorts

Works by Julie NathanielszThe BodyCartography Project, and others were interwoven with Burrows: Four Short Films, newly released collaborative pieces by Margot Lystra and Howard Ryan.

Kids are welcome. Pizza will be made!

During the month of November, Artists Linda Weintraub and Annamariah Knox displayed a wonderful set of interactive art exhibits:

TUNE-UP/TURN ON: WELCOME to MY WOODS, Linda invited us to join her in venturing into the domain of personal, sensual interactions with compost, sap, pollen, feathers, bark, rock, bone, and innumerable other forms of matter that account for the wonders of the woods.

RELEASE / RELIEF: STAGED FEELINGS, Annamariah created opportunities to embody, express, and release intense, pent-up emotions through interactive sculptural pieces.

KICK the CAIRN & HIT the HAY where the two artists collaborated on a pair of body-activating, emotion-releasing installations.

Their exhibits are at The Soil Factory through much of the month of November.

November 29, 2022 (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Dylan Gauthier was in town and for a conversation and panel discussion about alternative/independent spaces. He was joined by a group of Soil Factory regulars. Dylan Gauthier is an artist, curator, designer and educator whose practice investigates relationships between ecology, architecture, landscape, pedagogy, collaboration, and social change. Gauthier is a founder of the boatbuilding and publishing collective Mare Liberum  and of the Sunview Luncheonette, a co-op for art, politics, and poetics in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

November 28, 2022 (Monday) 7pm: Winter planning meetingeveryone was invited to suggest and work on ideas and projects for the next few months.

November 18, 2022 (Friday) 7:00pm,
audience potluck short film extravaganza.
Everyone was encouraged to suggest a short film that they enjoyed.  If you missed it, or want a second look, Here are some of the shorts screened:
Opus II (1921) by Walter Ruttmann,  
Barouk June_1 by Lebanese filmmaker Nesrine Khodr  
Lastfall, also by Nesrine Khodr  
Upperground Show by Helen Hill  
Weapon Of Choice by Fatboy Slim directed by Spike Jonze 
Wild Tales (the first segment)  directed by Argentine filmmaker Damián Szifron 

November 17, 2022 (Thursday) 5:30 – 7pm Panel and Community Conversation with Nance Klehm, social ecologist based on a farm near Chicago, and Kwesi Joseph, Urban Garden Specialist based in Brooklyn, joined by Rebecca Nelson and Johannes Lehmann on a panel to discuss community engagement with The Soil Factory as a possible testing ground, drawing on Nance’s and Kwesi’s broad experience. Nance Klehm’s work and being lies at the complex intersections of the theory and practice of land politics and soil health. She seeks to embody the mundane magic of relationships built with land and place, to empower people to know and honor the complexities of social ecology, and to bridge the gaps between the folk hero day-to-day of skinned-knuckle activism, and the theoretical practices of the academy, gallery, or studio. Kwesi is the Urban Gardens Specialist in the metro NYC area. He is, and has been the Compost Manager at the Hattie Carthan Community Garden in Brooklyn. He also has been engaged in educational programs at the gardens and is a STEAM educator.

November 12, 2022 (Saturday) 8:00pm: The Soil Factory is pleased to present an evening of animated notation featuring the talents of Gudmundur Steinn Gunnarsson from Reykjavik, Iceland alongside Ryan Ross Smith, Assistant Professor of Music at SUNY Broome. Prepare yourself for a very interesting soundscape and unique experience.

November 11, 2022 (Friday) 7:00pm, Movie Night: America Street (2020) by Idrissou Mora-Kpai, who will be present at the screening. On America Street in Charleston’s East Side neighborhood, Joe is the owner of a small corner store, the heart of an old but slowly disappearing black community. Almost half of all African-Americans trace their origins back to Charleston, a city that is still haunted by its slave owning past. In the face of the multiple challenges that African Americans face, Joe is determined to stay hopeful and to resist losing his neighborhood to the rising forces of gentrification.
The film captures three months of Joe’s daily struggles in 2015 set against the backdrop of racist violence in the city, from the killing of Walter Scott by a police officer to the Emanuel Church massacre by a young white supremacist.

November 10, 2022 (Thursday) 5:30 – 7:00pm: During our regular Thursday get-together Krisztina Mosdossy from Canada will be joining us. Krisztina is a soil ecologist and Ph.D. Candidate at McGill University with a particular interest in the circular bionutrient economy.

She enjoys discussing the power of reconnecting with land through valuing our bodies and reframing the narrative that humans hinder Earth’s health with one that highlights humans as part of Earth’s cycles. Everyone is invited to these Thursday conversations, please come down and meet her.


November 4, 2022 (Friday) 7pm
This evening, a group of (mostly) anthropologists are visiting the Soil Factory as part of a workshop on gleaning and the ethics of remainders. They’ll be hanging out from around 7 onward, and everyone is invited to come meet them and talk about foraging, gathering, deconstruction, waste, and more! 

October 28, 2022 (Friday) 7-ish  Movie Night at The Soil Factory: This week we’ll show a few moth themed shorts (in honor of the Pollinator Party) along with the Argentinean film Bolivia for a further exploration of South American cinema and social structure.

7 Spectacular Moths in Slow Motion by AntLab (5:37)
Take-off flight sequences of seven different moths are captured at 6,000 fps. All the moths in this video were collected and filmed in Cornish, NH between July 12 – 16. All moths were released after filming.

Moth by Alison Shulnik, 2019 (3:15)
An animated short film made from hundreds of gouache paintings over 14 months. A moth, or maybe many, mutates through several different forms throughout the course of painter, filmmaker, and ceramist Allison Schulnik‘s 2019 short film MOTH. The work is somewhat haunting in its painted portrayal of a constantly evolving subject. It transforms into larvae, serpents, other brightly colored moths, and a human to the song Gnossienne No. 1 by Erik Satie, performed by Nedelle Torrisi. The film was inspired by a moth that hit Schulnik’s window, and is described as “wandering through the primal emotions of birth, motherhood, body, nature, metamorphosis, and dance.”

Mothlight by Stan Brakhage, 1963 (3:25)
An experimental film made without a camera. The artist collected moth wings, flower petals, and grasses which were pressed between strips of splicing tape to create the film.

Bolivia by Israel Adrián Caetano, 2001 (1h 15m) Rendered jobless by the American war on drugs in his native Bolivia, Freddy (Freddy Flores) crosses the border to Argentina, where he gets a job as a short-order cook in a restaurant run by Enrique (Enrique Liporace), who is by turns cruel and compassionate. Scraping by on his meager wages, Freddy witnesses the casual racism of his customers, who regard other South Americans as inferior. His only friend is Rosa (Rosa Sanchez), a waitress from Paraguay who is also there illegally.
Maria Garcia of Film Journal International describes the movie as a “Starkly beautiful debut feature exploring the human face of Latin America’s economic crisis”. 


October 28, 2022 (Friday) 3-7pm Pollinator Party at the Marshy Garden: After a year of raising and planting thousands of native perennials Brandon Hoak (Busy Bee Ecological Designs) and Ash Ferlito have been working for almost a full year to convert a lawn to a marshy meadow at The Soil Factory. They successfully raised thousands, YES!- thousands, of native perennials- grasses, flowering plants, and sedges from seed obtained from the Finger Lakes Native Plant Society seed bank and some transplants from friends and local nurseries. The transfer of all the babies to the site is complete and now, it’s party time– Pollinator Party. 

Time to gather so they can show the site, share plans for the future, and get feedback to help shape those goals. They also hope to connect people in our communities with common interests, adjacent interests, and/or curiosities. 

There will be some things to drink, a bit of food, tours of the site, and activities. Please, BRING YOUR OWN T-SHIRT, or garment of some kind, for a Marshy Garden silkscreen design. This is dangerously close to Halloween- so if it gives you a buzzzzzz, please, feel free to come costumed.

October 22, 2022 (Saturday), 2-5 pm, Kids Workshop: Join the group of families at The Soil Factory for an afternoon of kids stuff; since Halloween is coming along, costume-crafting (and art-station creating), with a potential segue into pizza dinner and a conversation with kiddos re: what kinds of things they might like to do/make happen at the Soil Factory.

October 22, 2022 (Saturday), 5 pm, Down Time: Down Time is a durational performance (work in progress) in which a group of performers creates a self-sustaining, cyclical, sympoetic system. Sympoeisis, a term developed by Donna Haraway, describes how a group of entities (human and nonhuman), grows and transforms through interdependence. The sympoetic system developed in Down Time sustains itself through interdependence, but also through surveillance, tracking, mimesis, and the mediation and transformation of images, processes that, though forming the basis of digital connectivity, profoundly shape our material world.

Choreographed by Lucy Kerr in collaboration with the performers

Performed by Kristen DeLillo, Nina Kuntz, Stacy Collado, Melani Di Guzman, Lucy Kerr

October 20-23: Performance workshop, Lucy Kerr (Le Moyne College, Syracuse); Lucy is a filmmaker, video/performance artist, and educator. Her work investigates gender, media, labor, power, and the importance of interdependence and the ethics of care. Lucy and her team will stay at the residence, just stop by!

October 21, 2022 (Friday), come at 7pm, mingle and movie Starts around 7:30/8pm: A movie night with Jessica Bardsley, environmental filmmaker; Jessica will share some of her films; more information at and

October 21, 2022 (Friday) 2:30-4:30PM: join Joey Gates from the Dish Truck for the beginning of a community conversation on how we can bring sustainability to our collective parties and begin creating regenerative outputs instead of trash.

October 14, 2022 (Friday) around 7:30, Movie Night – Enjoy lively conversation, snacks and fresh air as we continue our series of outdoor movie nights projected on the textured exterior walls of The Soil Factory.  This week, we’ll  premier the 3 minute edited result of Monday’s Devised Cinema Lab Workshop. Then, a short film by the conceptual filmmaker Stan Brakhage that compliments the collective efforts of our amateur cinematographers, followed by our featured movie, La ciénaga, (The Swamp) the debut film from Argentinian Director Lucrecia Martel.  La ciénaga takes a focused look at “domestic dissatisfaction”.   The New York Times critic Stephen Holden writes, “The steamy ambiance in which the characters fester is a metaphor for creeping social decay…La ciénaga perspires from the screen, it creates a vision of social malaise that feels paradoxically familiar and new.”

October 10, 2022 (Monday) 3 pm: Open Call: Devised Cinema Lab – toward an ad hoc collective movie making with artist Nathan Henrickson. Have you ever wanted to make a movie but never had the motivation or desire to write a script, assemble a team, or secure the funds to finance your vision? No need! Let’s get our hands dirty. Curb the grandiose and heroic storylines, sift through our half-baked ideas, personal poetry, insecurities and reservations, let’s make a vulnerable heart-felt movie together with whatever tools, scraps and weeds we find lying around. Bring your ideas, your knowledge, your point of view, your friends, and a cell phone camera. If we’re lucky we’ll stumble over an insight or two along the way.

October 11, 2022 (Tuesday) 5 pm – Twilight: “Walk in the Woods” An experiment in enhanced perception with Nathan Henrickson.

October 7-16, 2022 (Friday): Earth Projects, Traveling immersive art and environment class is installing their exhibition. Reception on Thursday October 13, 6-9pm.

October 6, 2022 (Thursday), 5-7pm: A Soil Factory pizza night with parallel discussion and activity brainstorming about how circularity can be imagined. [shuttle provides for Cornell students at 4:45 departing Minns Garden on Tower Rd]

September 29, 2022 (Thursday), 5-7pm: Decarbonizing Our Cities: Climate Now Podcast/Livestream (organized by Luis Aguirre-Torres)

5:00–5:45 PM pizza and music
6:00–7:30 PM panel and discussion

In 2021, the City of Ithaca announced its plan to decarbonize all of its buildings by 2030, making it the first city in the United States working to become 100% carbon-neutral. Come learn more about the plan and help tell Ithaca’s story to the rest of the world. 
Organized by Climate Now and hosted by The Soil Factory, this community event brings together local leaders to discuss what it will take for the City of Ithaca to decarbonize equitably and bring the city’s net emissions down to zero. It will be recorded and edited into a podcast for a global audience. 
Dr. Luis Aguirre-Torres, City of Ithaca 
Dr. Neha Khanna, Binghamton University and Cornell University 
Rebecca Evans, City of Ithaca 
Dr. Aigbokhan Aloja Airewele, Green Energy Workforce Training Center
Moderator: James Lawler, Climate Now 

This event is the first in a three-part series, in partnership with The Future of Small Cities Institute, which dive into Ithaca’s strategies to transform energy and society and to create a blueprint for cities across the United States.

Earlier 2022 Events:

April 11 (Monday) 5-7pm: Pyrolysis at the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Plant, an update and discussion about next steps, organized by Rebecca Nelson and Luis Aguirre-Torres

April 12-23: Artist-in-Residence Alek Slon and Architect-in-Residence Magda Pios (if you want to meet them, please contact the host Kati Lustyik) [Alek will introduce himself at 4:30 on April 14; Alek and Magda plan to give a presentation on April 21]

April 14 (Thursday) 4:30-6:30pm: Local Landscapes for Climate Mitigation, public health, food security, accessible nature, and green jobs; the third workshop in a workshop series organized by Jamie Vanucchi; flyer and detailed information here.

April 15 (Friday) 7:30pm, Movie Night: El abrazo de la serpiente (2015)  (Embrace of the Serpent), by Columbian director Ciro Guerra; shot almost entirely in black and white, the film follows two journeys made thirty years apart by the indigenous shaman Karamakate in the Colombian Amazonian jungle, one with Theo, a German ethnographer, and the other with Evan, an American botanist, both of whom are searching for the rare plant yakruna. It was inspired by the travel diaries of Theodor Koch-Grünberg and Richard Evans Schultes, and dedicated to lost Amazonian cultures.

April 16 (Saturday) 11-4pm: Ecological Sanitation Design Competition (contact Rebecca Nelson or Abigail Collins); with award ceremony at 4pm; information here

April 21 (Thursday) 5:00pm: Artist-in-Residence Alek Slon and Architect-in-Residence Magda Pios give a presentation

April 22 (Friday) 7:30pm, Movie Night: La casa del lobo (animated 2018; The Wolf House), by directors Joaquín Cociña and Cristóbal León, who tell the story of Maria, a young woman who takes refuge in a house in southern Chile after escaping from a German colony.

April 28 (Thursday) 8:00pm: Ithaca Underground presents I-R, Tacet(i) Duo, Amok & OK an evening of riveting compositions and electronics from Detroit, Thailand, & Ithaca. Full details and booking here.

April 29 (Friday) 7:30pm, Movie Night: Distancia de rescate (2021), by director Claudia Llosa based on the novel by Samanta Schweblin. A young woman lies dying far from home. A boy sits beside her. She is not his mother. He is not her child. Together, they tell the haunting story of broken souls, toxins, looming environmental and spiritual catastrophes, and the ties that bind a parent to a child.

May 1 (Sunday) afternoon (core time 3-5pm): In the spirit of labor day, some of us are preparing the ground for our pizza oven making workshop (planned for May 7), we will be shoveling sand, nailing boards together and many more fun things. You should find us at The Soil Factory in the afternoon.

May 1 (Sunday) 7:00pm: Ithaca Underground presents an evening of harsh noise, industrial power electronics & tectonic meditation drone, with Prayer Rope, Compactor, Retribution Body, & Food Pill.

Full details and booking here.

May 4 (Wednesday) 7:00pm: Experimental music by Kevin Cheli/Seth Andrew Davis (improvised music), Jen Kutler/Quintan Ana Wikswo (performing “Black Powder”), Travis Johns (solo bass), Hannah Thomas/Elizabeth Mahood (oboe/harp arrangement of Debussy’s “Reverie”). Kevin is based in Ithaca,; Seth co-runs the Extemporaneous Music Society and Mother Brain Records in Kansas City, MO:

May 6 (Friday) 6:00-9:00pm: Exhibition Reception; the exhibition is up April 27-May 12 (contact Anna Davidson for more information or visits outside normal open hours)

May 7 (Saturday) 11:00am-5:00pm: Pizza Oven Making Workshop, come and join us at The Soil Factory as we build our very own clay pizza oven with Matteo Lundgren (

May 7 (Saturday) come at 7:30pm, event starts at 8:00pmOther Fantasies for Extinction, A Listening Party, by artist and writer Rachel Garber Cole and composer and audio producer Michael Simonelli, is a deeply researched experimental audio soundscape that meditates on Deep Time, past mass extinctions, and what it feels like to live on a rapidly warming planet. Come dream with us through 3.5 billion years of history. The 25 minute sound piece will be followed by a talk back with artists and audience. (image by Madeleine Boucher)

May 9 (Monday) 5:00pm: O, Longelica! is a participatory performance, collective re-imagining, and folk song sing-along, by Cecilia Lu with Joe Hoffman, ED Plowe, Marc Liu, and Zach Lee. In a fictionalized future gathering space, descendants of people who survived an apocalyptic flood piece together fragments of memory from life during that time. Together, through discussion and song, we interpret and make meaning from a key primary text — a journal from an herbalist relative who lived through the Flood Times. Outdoor in good weather, indoor in bad weather (contact Dean Erdmann for more information)

May 12 (Thursday) 7:00pm, artist talk by HaeAhn Woo Kwon: De-privatizing Dirt and Desire, HaeAhn Woo Kwon is a visual artist (visiting artist at the residency), whose practice transforms and combines everyday materials. Her recent research focuses on how shame around filth and waste is constructed via patriarchal ideology, instrumentalized and internalized to exert control over the other, predominantly women’s bodies and their biological functions. Kwon will discuss academic and artistic works that inform her practice, especially in relation to her recent collaborative installation at Franz Kaka Gallery in Toronto. (hosted by Dean Erdmann)

Amy Lam and HaeAhn Woo Kwon, Pink Outfit (shower base), dry-erase marker on fiberglass shower base

May 13 (Friday) 8:00pm, Movie Night (May is our movie month of the bizarre and funny): Gwoemul  (The Host) by director Bong Joon Ho (who also did Parasite), Korean movie from 2006; careless American military personnel dump chemicals into South Korea’s Han River. Several years later, a creature emerges from the tainted waters and sinks its ravenous jaws into local residents. When the creature abducts their daughter (Go Ah-sung), a vendor (Song Kang-ho) and his family decide that they are the only ones who can save her. (suggested by Pierre)

May 19 (Thursday) 7-9pm, Exhibition Opening: My Best Self, by Sabrina Haertig-Gonzalez; the exhibition is up May 19 to June 8

May 20 (Friday) 8:00pm, Movie Night (May is our movie month of the bizarre and funny): Liza, the Fox-Fair (2015), by Hungarian director Károly Ujj Mészáros, the film tells the story set in 1970s ‘Csudapest’ of a lonely nurse who visits a Mekk Burger restaurant to find romance, upon reading about it in a Japanese romance novel. Liza’s only friend, Tomy Tani, the ghost of a Japanese pop singer from the 1950s, is jealous and turns her into a fox-fairy, a demon from Japanese mythology. According to the legend, men who fall in love with a fox-fairy die soon afterwards. (suggested by Johannes and Neil)

May 21 (Saturday) 4:30pm onwards: BIG PARTY and “LET US EAT the COLORS of NATURE’S SPECTRUM”  The Soil Factory is planning an Un-Talent Show with sit-down dinner for all and all kinds of activities,- bring your ideas; arrive at 4:30 to set up, dinner at 5pm and UnTalent Show starting after dinner. Bring a colorful dish to honor the sumptuous colors of our foods, and the roles of sun, soil, rain, microorganisms, decaying matter, minerals and enzymes that craft the hues and tones that sustain and gratify us (Linda is sending out instructions). This is followed by an Un-Talent Show (get in touch with Anna Ialeggio on UnTalent Show and with Linda Weintraub on dinner) download flyer

May 25 and 26 (Wednesday and Thursday) 12-5pm: Installation of the art project Cosmic Cucumber Carousel, a  proposal to grow cucumbers on Mars in form of an opera, by Brooklyn-based artist Daniel Bozhkov (Hunter College); come by and help install a community cucumber patch at The Soil Factory; contact Margaret Ball

May 26 (Thursday) 6:30pm: Presentation and artist talk by Daniel Bozhkov (Hunter College)),- Daniel will give a presentation on his work, followed by comments from soil scientist Johannes Lehmann, astroecologist and soil scientist Morgan Irons, and community member and soil developer Margaret Ball.

May 27 (Friday) 8:00pm, Movie Night (May is our movie month of the bizarre and funny; now outside in the summer): On Body and Soul (2017), by Hungarian director Ildikó Enyedi, the film tells the story of a slaughterhouse director and the newly appointed meat quality inspector who discover they can communicate with each other through their dreams, leading to an unlikely romance. (suggested by Patty and Neil)

June tbd (Thursday) 4:30-6:30pm: Local Landscapes for Climate Mitigation, public health, food security, accessible nature, and green jobs; the fourth workshop in a workshop series organized by Jamie Vanucchi; flyer and detailed information here. please check back for dates

June 6-July 26, Artist-in-residence: Abigail Collins will stay at The Soil Factory, say hi to her when you pop in.

June (postponed): Concert, Ithaca Electrozone,; organized by E

July 28 (Thursday) 5:30pm: Soil Factory get together for social, planning, and chatting.

July 29 (Friday) 9:00pm: The film this Friday July 29th at 9pm is a fascinating 2012 Colombian film,  William Vega’s: La sirga, — haunting, beautiful visuals around a core of an unseen threat lurking… just over the horizon. Maybe even more relevant today, 10 years later.

August 3 (Wednesday) 6:30 – 8pm: Johannes is firing up our Soil Factory Pizza Oven for use between 6:30 – 8pm. Bring your own dough and fixings and make use of our community built cob oven.

August 3 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm: Abigail Raphael Collins (our current artist in residence) will share some information on her current work in progress, a video about queer director Dorothy Arzner who worked at the transition from silent to sound film in the 1920s/30s. Abigail will also screen video works by four other artists who explore sound and silence in moving image, including Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Christine Sun Kim, and Boudry/Lorenz.

August 11 (Thursday) 5-7pm: “Summer Studio”, a visioning exercise about what an undisciplinary summer school at The Soil Factory could look like. Provocateurs are invited to make some opening statements, everyone welcome to contribute. The provisional notes and outcome are posted here


August 12 (Friday) 9:00pm (come at 8:30 and have a chat), Movie Night:  Movie Potluck – bring an art movie or a scene from a movie or a short to share with everyone (either on your laptop or streaming or on a memory stick,- whatever works); we ended up watching:

The Swimmer, (Cecelia’s pick)
Szel, 1996 by Marcell Iványi (Neil’s pick)
The Meaning of Life, 2005 by Don Hertzfeldt (Kevin’s pick)
Les Indes Galantes, 2017 by Clement Cogitore (Johannes’ pick)
Mothlight, 1963 by Stan Brakhage; and an hommage (Patty’s pick)
CHUNKATHALON 2003, 2003 by Noah Albert, Dan Frazier, Brian Yazzie (Dan’s pick) found here: (pt. 1), 
This was a great event and we plan to do one each month or so!

August 15 (Monday) 6:30pm: Cecilia Hermansson is visiting The Soil Factory from the Rural Economic and Agricultural Society of Sweden and giving a presentation on “Experiences from creating a standard for carbon sinks with biochar”; more information about her work at (in Swedish)

August 18-27: Nsukka School – The Next Generation of Innovation: The Nsukka School describes artists that are associated with the University of Nigeria at Nsukka, who used uli—a form of body and mural decorative painting indigenous to the Igbo culture of Nigeria—in their work. The works shown here are from the 1980s and early 90s where a significant shift occurred towards more abstraction and a distinct departure from the original uli, a second revolution brought about by  students of Uche Okeke.

August 18 (Thursday) 5-7pm: Amanda Simson (Cooper Union) is visiting and giving a talk on her work around art, climate, biochar, engineering; she organized Cooper Climate Week, and organized an art&science exhibition this past Spring. (Amanda will be staying for a few days in the Soil Factory residency, pop in and say hello!)

August 19 (Friday) 9:00pm (come at 8:30 and have a chat), Movie Night: The Swimmer, 1968, with Burt Lancaster; well-off ad man Ned Merrill (Burt Lancaster) is visiting a friend when he notices the abundance of backyard pools that populate their upscale suburb. Ned suddenly decides that he’d like to travel the eight miles back to his own home by simply swimming across every pool in town. Soon, Ned’s journey becomes harrowing; at each house, he is somehow confronted with a reminder of his romantic, domestic and economic failures, until a final visit with an old flame (Janice Rule) leaves him devastated (RT). (suggested by Cecelia, it follows last weeks short The Swimmer!); here a write-up of the book by John Cheever in the New Yorker.

August 26 (Friday) 9:00pm (come at 8:30 and have a chat), Movie Night:

This week’s feature (hat-tip Dan Torop) is a return to slow cinema. Manakamana (2013), directed by Stephanie Spray and Pacho Velez of the Sensory Ethnography Lab, is a documentary set in Nepal. It is comprised of a series of long takes of pilgrims on a cable car which ascends to the Manakamana Temple.
Here’s an overview blurb from
“Pilgrims make an ancient journey in a state-of-the-art cable car. Their rides unfold in real-time, highlighting interactions with one another, the landscape, and this strange new mode of conveyance. Through these encounters, the film opens a surprising window onto contemporary Nepali lives, propelled along by the country’s idiosyncratic modernization.”
Come by for conversation plus at 8:30pm. Film should start around 9:00pm.

August 27 (Saturday) 12 noon: To prepare for an active fall calendar we are hosting a general clean-up at the Soil Factory warehouse and environs.  We can use all the help we can get, and free snacks will be provided.  All are invited!

August 28 (Sunday) 8pm: Performance and Exhibition (until September 4): Extra special treat. Come see Italian fire sculptor and contemporary artist Paolo Buggiani and video artist Cinzia Sarto as they take over the Soil Factory– both inside and out. Videos shown are listed here:

Buggiani Video Archive 1979-2019
la nuvola in testa
Quasi temporale 2014

September 1 (Thursday), 5-7pm: Cosmic Cucumber Carousel by Daniel Bozhkov; Daniel is giving an update on his project that has kept the soil factory busy with growing cucumbers.

September 8 (Thursday), 5-7pm: Circular BioNutrient Economy Book Launch, Reading, Performance and Exhibition; the publications from the workshop in October 2021 are printed and we will do a celebratory launch with reading and singing (yes, there is music outside)

September 10 and 11 (Saturday and Sunday), starts at noon, goes to noon: ScienceStudio & ArtLab – The Soil Factory celebrates community with hanging out together over a weekend. Put up your tent on the lawn, organize a nightwalk, mothing, pottery, building infrastructure and any activity you want to share. This is for everyone who is interested in interdisciplinarity, creativity, community building and sustainable development, no matter where you live and work.

September 16 (Friday) 8:00pm, Movie Night: Movie night returns to the exterior walls of the warehouse with Wim Wenders‘ award winning Wings of Desire.  Here’s your opportunity to see Peter Falk (of Columbo fame) in a very different fantasy. Trailer here

(Hat-tip to Patty Keller). Bring warm clothing and enjoy some popcorn!

September 18, (Sunday) 5-7pm Join artist Leslie Rogers to help prepare a performance that will happen atop a floating quilt, which will be stuffed with milkweed floss. The floss (that fluffy stuff inside the seed pod) is extremely buoyant and was foraged during WWII to make life vests for soldiers. Machines developed to separate the floss from the pods and seeds have been lost to history, but we’ll look at some recent prototypes and go at it ourselves. Last week, a group gathered at the Soil Factory to hear a bit about the project and forage for milkweed pods, which are now hanging to dry on display in onion sacks at the Soil Factory.

On Sunday the 18th, we’ll learn more about how one man with military funding attempted to become the milkweed baron of North America, the ways in which he was undermined by nature, and explore ways to handle and process milkweed pods (or just play with it) on a much smaller scale and for a much sillier reason.

September 20 (Tuesday) 6-7:30pm “Singing the Landscape“, an outdoor workshop led by artist Fritz Horstman, will engage participants in aspects of Deep Listening (drawing on Pauline Oliveros), Conduction (drawing on Butch Morris), and Horstman’s own practice of using the voice to evoke the landscape. No prior experience or training is necessary. You need only to bring your ears, your voice, and a willingness to participate. This 90 minute workshop will involve walking, standing, and sitting. Wear attire suitable for the outdoors. The artist will lead participants in methods of listening and vocalizing and together make an improvised composition.  Here’s an example of past singing.

September 23 (Thursday), 5-7pm: Patrick Costello is with us this week,- maybe he can share some thoughts and recent projects with us that evening.

Past Events Calendar 2022

December 22, 2022 (Thursday) at 7pm, Deep in the Dark — Join Dan Torop & Anna Ialeggio in The Soil Factory darkroom on this, the darkest day of the year and experiment developing old film with expired chemicals.

Bring your film! And a snack, if you want to take a chemical-free break. Black and white cookies may be served.

December 11, 2022 (Sunday) 5-7pm, with performances at 6pm

GET SOFT at The Soil Factory
A group exhibition of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate artists working in soft sculpture and performance at Cornell University, organized by Leeza Meksin. 
Shelby Johnson 
Annamariah Knox 
Chloe Mako 
Erin Miller 
Mel Miller 
Havily Nwakuche
Isabel Padilla Bonelli 
Kat Roberts 
Alexis Torres 
Julia Trahan 
JQ Yang

December 10, 2022 (Saturday) arrive 5:30pm,  Environmental Film Screening: Please join us for a screening of final films from the Environmental Film Production course of the Performing and Media Arts Department at Cornell! Student short films range in form and content, exploring ecological questions. At 5:30 we will have snacks and the screening will begin at 6pm. 

Student filmmakers include Kwame Kwakwa, Shuqian Lyu, Yichong Qiu, Javier Ramirez, Wulfgar Ramsey, Alexa Richardson, and Courtney Shore. Their films explore environmental topics through a range of techniques and perspectives.

Thursday December 8, 2022 5:30pm, Glass Factory: 

Remember the glass sculpture on the stage? Join us on a Soil Factory excursion to visit of Rob Scavuzzo’s glass factory ( this evening, where he made the one at The Soil Factory and many other fascinating glass sculptures.

Rob has fired up his kilns for the first time in a while and will also demonstrate glass making while we are there (and maybe a holiday gift…), including material stress testing for the nerds among you. The address is 215 Burdge Hill Rd, Newfield, 5 minutes from The Soil Factory (you have to enter from Burdge Hill Rd, GoogleMaps may send you on a hike…).

December 4, 2022 (Sunday) at 3pm: COMMUNI-TEA PARTY
Artists Annamariah Knox and Linda Weintraub invite you to the closing of their highly successful Soil Factory exhibition. Thaw out and warm up with healthful teas from winter trees: taste bark, leaves, roots, branches, flowers. 

Your role is to Select. Blend. Steep. Sip. and Share. Please bring-your-own tea cup and spoon, and don’t forget to engage with the interactive artworks.

Questions? Contact

Margot screening

December 2, 2022 (Friday) 6:00pm: An evening of earth-sensory shorts

Works by Julie NathanielszThe BodyCartography Project, and others were interwoven with Burrows: Four Short Films, newly released collaborative pieces by Margot Lystra and Howard Ryan.

Kids are welcome. Pizza will be made!

During the month of November, Artists Linda Weintraub and Annamariah Knox displayed a wonderful set of interactive art exhibits:

TUNE-UP/TURN ON: WELCOME to MY WOODS, Linda invited us to join her in venturing into the domain of personal, sensual interactions with compost, sap, pollen, feathers, bark, rock, bone, and innumerable other forms of matter that account for the wonders of the woods.

RELEASE / RELIEF: STAGED FEELINGS, Annamariah created opportunities to embody, express, and release intense, pent-up emotions through interactive sculptural pieces.

KICK the CAIRN & HIT the HAY where the two artists collaborated on a pair of body-activating, emotion-releasing installations.

Their exhibits are at The Soil Factory through much of the month of November.

November 29, 2022 (Tuesday) 6:30pm: Dylan Gauthier was in town and for a conversation and panel discussion about alternative/independent spaces. He was joined by a group of Soil Factory regulars. Dylan Gauthier is an artist, curator, designer and educator whose practice investigates relationships between ecology, architecture, landscape, pedagogy, collaboration, and social change. Gauthier is a founder of the boatbuilding and publishing collective Mare Liberum  and of the Sunview Luncheonette, a co-op for art, politics, and poetics in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

November 28, 2022 (Monday) 7pm: Winter planning meetingeveryone was invited to suggest and work on ideas and projects for the next few months.

November 18, 2022 (Friday) 7:00pm,
audience potluck short film extravaganza.
Everyone was encouraged to suggest a short film that they enjoyed.  If you missed it, or want a second look, Here are some of the shorts screened:
Opus II (1921) by Walter Ruttmann,  
Barouk June_1 by Lebanese filmmaker Nesrine Khodr  
Lastfall, also by Nesrine Khodr  
Upperground Show by Helen Hill  
Weapon Of Choice by Fatboy Slim directed by Spike Jonze 
Wild Tales (the first segment)  directed by Argentine filmmaker Damián Szifron 

November 17, 2022 (Thursday) 5:30 – 7pm Panel and Community Conversation with Nance Klehm, social ecologist based on a farm near Chicago, and Kwesi Joseph, Urban Garden Specialist based in Brooklyn, joined by Rebecca Nelson and Johannes Lehmann on a panel to discuss community engagement with The Soil Factory as a possible testing ground, drawing on Nance’s and Kwesi’s broad experience. Nance Klehm’s work and being lies at the complex intersections of the theory and practice of land politics and soil health. She seeks to embody the mundane magic of relationships built with land and place, to empower people to know and honor the complexities of social ecology, and to bridge the gaps between the folk hero day-to-day of skinned-knuckle activism, and the theoretical practices of the academy, gallery, or studio. Kwesi is the Urban Gardens Specialist in the metro NYC area. He is, and has been the Compost Manager at the Hattie Carthan Community Garden in Brooklyn. He also has been engaged in educational programs at the gardens and is a STEAM educator.

November 12, 2022 (Saturday) 8:00pm: The Soil Factory is pleased to present an evening of animated notation featuring the talents of Gudmundur Steinn Gunnarsson from Reykjavik, Iceland alongside Ryan Ross Smith, Assistant Professor of Music at SUNY Broome. Prepare yourself for a very interesting soundscape and unique experience.

November 11, 2022 (Friday) 7:00pm, Movie Night: America Street (2020) by Idrissou Mora-Kpai, who will be present at the screening. On America Street in Charleston’s East Side neighborhood, Joe is the owner of a small corner store, the heart of an old but slowly disappearing black community. Almost half of all African-Americans trace their origins back to Charleston, a city that is still haunted by its slave owning past. In the face of the multiple challenges that African Americans face, Joe is determined to stay hopeful and to resist losing his neighborhood to the rising forces of gentrification.
The film captures three months of Joe’s daily struggles in 2015 set against the backdrop of racist violence in the city, from the killing of Walter Scott by a police officer to the Emanuel Church massacre by a young white supremacist.

November 10, 2022 (Thursday) 5:30 – 7:00pm: During our regular Thursday get-together Krisztina Mosdossy from Canada will be joining us. Krisztina is a soil ecologist and Ph.D. Candidate at McGill University with a particular interest in the circular bionutrient economy.

She enjoys discussing the power of reconnecting with land through valuing our bodies and reframing the narrative that humans hinder Earth’s health with one that highlights humans as part of Earth’s cycles. Everyone is invited to these Thursday conversations, please come down and meet her.


November 4, 2022 (Friday) 7pm
This evening, a group of (mostly) anthropologists are visiting the Soil Factory as part of a workshop on gleaning and the ethics of remainders. They’ll be hanging out from around 7 onward, and everyone is invited to come meet them and talk about foraging, gathering, deconstruction, waste, and more! 

October 28, 2022 (Friday) 7-ish  Movie Night at The Soil Factory: This week we’ll show a few moth themed shorts (in honor of the Pollinator Party) along with the Argentinean film Bolivia for a further exploration of South American cinema and social structure.

7 Spectacular Moths in Slow Motion by AntLab (5:37)
Take-off flight sequences of seven different moths are captured at 6,000 fps. All the moths in this video were collected and filmed in Cornish, NH between July 12 – 16. All moths were released after filming.

Moth by Alison Shulnik, 2019 (3:15)
An animated short film made from hundreds of gouache paintings over 14 months. A moth, or maybe many, mutates through several different forms throughout the course of painter, filmmaker, and ceramist Allison Schulnik‘s 2019 short film MOTH. The work is somewhat haunting in its painted portrayal of a constantly evolving subject. It transforms into larvae, serpents, other brightly colored moths, and a human to the song Gnossienne No. 1 by Erik Satie, performed by Nedelle Torrisi. The film was inspired by a moth that hit Schulnik’s window, and is described as “wandering through the primal emotions of birth, motherhood, body, nature, metamorphosis, and dance.”

Mothlight by Stan Brakhage, 1963 (3:25)
An experimental film made without a camera. The artist collected moth wings, flower petals, and grasses which were pressed between strips of splicing tape to create the film.

Bolivia by Israel Adrián Caetano, 2001 (1h 15m) Rendered jobless by the American war on drugs in his native Bolivia, Freddy (Freddy Flores) crosses the border to Argentina, where he gets a job as a short-order cook in a restaurant run by Enrique (Enrique Liporace), who is by turns cruel and compassionate. Scraping by on his meager wages, Freddy witnesses the casual racism of his customers, who regard other South Americans as inferior. His only friend is Rosa (Rosa Sanchez), a waitress from Paraguay who is also there illegally.
Maria Garcia of Film Journal International describes the movie as a “Starkly beautiful debut feature exploring the human face of Latin America’s economic crisis”. 


October 28, 2022 (Friday) 3-7pm Pollinator Party at the Marshy Garden: After a year of raising and planting thousands of native perennials Brandon Hoak (Busy Bee Ecological Designs) and Ash Ferlito have been working for almost a full year to convert a lawn to a marshy meadow at The Soil Factory. They successfully raised thousands, YES!- thousands, of native perennials- grasses, flowering plants, and sedges from seed obtained from the Finger Lakes Native Plant Society seed bank and some transplants from friends and local nurseries. The transfer of all the babies to the site is complete and now, it’s party time– Pollinator Party. 

Time to gather so they can show the site, share plans for the future, and get feedback to help shape those goals. They also hope to connect people in our communities with common interests, adjacent interests, and/or curiosities. 

There will be some things to drink, a bit of food, tours of the site, and activities. Please, BRING YOUR OWN T-SHIRT, or garment of some kind, for a Marshy Garden silkscreen design. This is dangerously close to Halloween- so if it gives you a buzzzzzz, please, feel free to come costumed.

October 22, 2022 (Saturday), 2-5 pm, Kids Workshop: Join the group of families at The Soil Factory for an afternoon of kids stuff; since Halloween is coming along, costume-crafting (and art-station creating), with a potential segue into pizza dinner and a conversation with kiddos re: what kinds of things they might like to do/make happen at the Soil Factory.

October 22, 2022 (Saturday), 5 pm, Down Time: Down Time is a durational performance (work in progress) in which a group of performers creates a self-sustaining, cyclical, sympoetic system. Sympoeisis, a term developed by Donna Haraway, describes how a group of entities (human and nonhuman), grows and transforms through interdependence. The sympoetic system developed in Down Time sustains itself through interdependence, but also through surveillance, tracking, mimesis, and the mediation and transformation of images, processes that, though forming the basis of digital connectivity, profoundly shape our material world.

Choreographed by Lucy Kerr in collaboration with the performers

Performed by Kristen DeLillo, Nina Kuntz, Stacy Collado, Melani Di Guzman, Lucy Kerr

October 20-23: Performance workshop, Lucy Kerr (Le Moyne College, Syracuse); Lucy is a filmmaker, video/performance artist, and educator. Her work investigates gender, media, labor, power, and the importance of interdependence and the ethics of care. Lucy and her team will stay at the residence, just stop by!

October 21, 2022 (Friday), come at 7pm, mingle and movie Starts around 7:30/8pm: A movie night with Jessica Bardsley, environmental filmmaker; Jessica will share some of her films; more information at and

October 21, 2022 (Friday) 2:30-4:30PM: join Joey Gates from the Dish Truck for the beginning of a community conversation on how we can bring sustainability to our collective parties and begin creating regenerative outputs instead of trash.

October 14, 2022 (Friday) around 7:30, Movie Night – Enjoy lively conversation, snacks and fresh air as we continue our series of outdoor movie nights projected on the textured exterior walls of The Soil Factory.  This week, we’ll  premier the 3 minute edited result of Monday’s Devised Cinema Lab Workshop. Then, a short film by the conceptual filmmaker Stan Brakhage that compliments the collective efforts of our amateur cinematographers, followed by our featured movie, La ciénaga, (The Swamp) the debut film from Argentinian Director Lucrecia Martel.  La ciénaga takes a focused look at “domestic dissatisfaction”.   The New York Times critic Stephen Holden writes, “The steamy ambiance in which the characters fester is a metaphor for creeping social decay…La ciénaga perspires from the screen, it creates a vision of social malaise that feels paradoxically familiar and new.”

October 10, 2022 (Monday) 3 pm: Open Call: Devised Cinema Lab – toward an ad hoc collective movie making with artist Nathan Henrickson. Have you ever wanted to make a movie but never had the motivation or desire to write a script, assemble a team, or secure the funds to finance your vision? No need! Let’s get our hands dirty. Curb the grandiose and heroic storylines, sift through our half-baked ideas, personal poetry, insecurities and reservations, let’s make a vulnerable heart-felt movie together with whatever tools, scraps and weeds we find lying around. Bring your ideas, your knowledge, your point of view, your friends, and a cell phone camera. If we’re lucky we’ll stumble over an insight or two along the way.

October 11, 2022 (Tuesday) 5 pm – Twilight: “Walk in the Woods” An experiment in enhanced perception with Nathan Henrickson.

October 7-16, 2022 (Friday): Earth Projects, Traveling immersive art and environment class is installing their exhibition. Reception on Thursday October 13, 6-9pm.

October 6, 2022 (Thursday), 5-7pm: A Soil Factory pizza night with parallel discussion and activity brainstorming about how circularity can be imagined. [shuttle provides for Cornell students at 4:45 departing Minns Garden on Tower Rd]

September 29, 2022 (Thursday), 5-7pm: Decarbonizing Our Cities: Climate Now Podcast/Livestream (organized by Luis Aguirre-Torres)

5:00–5:45 PM pizza and music
6:00–7:30 PM panel and discussion

In 2021, the City of Ithaca announced its plan to decarbonize all of its buildings by 2030, making it the first city in the United States working to become 100% carbon-neutral. Come learn more about the plan and help tell Ithaca’s story to the rest of the world. 
Organized by Climate Now and hosted by The Soil Factory, this community event brings together local leaders to discuss what it will take for the City of Ithaca to decarbonize equitably and bring the city’s net emissions down to zero. It will be recorded and edited into a podcast for a global audience. 
Dr. Luis Aguirre-Torres, City of Ithaca 
Dr. Neha Khanna, Binghamton University and Cornell University 
Rebecca Evans, City of Ithaca 
Dr. Aigbokhan Aloja Airewele, Green Energy Workforce Training Center
Moderator: James Lawler, Climate Now 

This event is the first in a three-part series, in partnership with The Future of Small Cities Institute, which dive into Ithaca’s strategies to transform energy and society and to create a blueprint for cities across the United States.

Earlier 2022 Events:

April 11 (Monday) 5-7pm: Pyrolysis at the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Plant, an update and discussion about next steps, organized by Rebecca Nelson and Luis Aguirre-Torres

April 12-23: Artist-in-Residence Alek Slon and Architect-in-Residence Magda Pios (if you want to meet them, please contact the host Kati Lustyik) [Alek will introduce himself at 4:30 on April 14; Alek and Magda plan to give a presentation on April 21]

April 14 (Thursday) 4:30-6:30pm: Local Landscapes for Climate Mitigation, public health, food security, accessible nature, and green jobs; the third workshop in a workshop series organized by Jamie Vanucchi; flyer and detailed information here.

April 15 (Friday) 7:30pm, Movie Night: El abrazo de la serpiente (2015)  (Embrace of the Serpent), by Columbian director Ciro Guerra; shot almost entirely in black and white, the film follows two journeys made thirty years apart by the indigenous shaman Karamakate in the Colombian Amazonian jungle, one with Theo, a German ethnographer, and the other with Evan, an American botanist, both of whom are searching for the rare plant yakruna. It was inspired by the travel diaries of Theodor Koch-Grünberg and Richard Evans Schultes, and dedicated to lost Amazonian cultures.

April 16 (Saturday) 11-4pm: Ecological Sanitation Design Competition (contact Rebecca Nelson or Abigail Collins); with award ceremony at 4pm; information here

April 21 (Thursday) 5:00pm: Artist-in-Residence Alek Slon and Architect-in-Residence Magda Pios give a presentation

April 22 (Friday) 7:30pm, Movie Night: La casa del lobo (animated 2018; The Wolf House), by directors Joaquín Cociña and Cristóbal León, who tell the story of Maria, a young woman who takes refuge in a house in southern Chile after escaping from a German colony.

April 28 (Thursday) 8:00pm: Ithaca Underground presents I-R, Tacet(i) Duo, Amok & OK an evening of riveting compositions and electronics from Detroit, Thailand, & Ithaca. Full details and booking here.

April 29 (Friday) 7:30pm, Movie Night: Distancia de rescate (2021), by director Claudia Llosa based on the novel by Samanta Schweblin. A young woman lies dying far from home. A boy sits beside her. She is not his mother. He is not her child. Together, they tell the haunting story of broken souls, toxins, looming environmental and spiritual catastrophes, and the ties that bind a parent to a child.

May 1 (Sunday) afternoon (core time 3-5pm): In the spirit of labor day, some of us are preparing the ground for our pizza oven making workshop (planned for May 7), we will be shoveling sand, nailing boards together and many more fun things. You should find us at The Soil Factory in the afternoon.

May 1 (Sunday) 7:00pm: Ithaca Underground presents an evening of harsh noise, industrial power electronics & tectonic meditation drone, with Prayer Rope, Compactor, Retribution Body, & Food Pill.

Full details and booking here.

May 4 (Wednesday) 7:00pm: Experimental music by Kevin Cheli/Seth Andrew Davis (improvised music), Jen Kutler/Quintan Ana Wikswo (performing “Black Powder”), Travis Johns (solo bass), Hannah Thomas/Elizabeth Mahood (oboe/harp arrangement of Debussy’s “Reverie”). Kevin is based in Ithaca,; Seth co-runs the Extemporaneous Music Society and Mother Brain Records in Kansas City, MO:

May 6 (Friday) 6:00-9:00pm: Exhibition Reception; the exhibition is up April 27-May 12 (contact Anna Davidson for more information or visits outside normal open hours)

May 7 (Saturday) 11:00am-5:00pm: Pizza Oven Making Workshop, come and join us at The Soil Factory as we build our very own clay pizza oven with Matteo Lundgren (

May 7 (Saturday) come at 7:30pm, event starts at 8:00pmOther Fantasies for Extinction, A Listening Party, by artist and writer Rachel Garber Cole and composer and audio producer Michael Simonelli, is a deeply researched experimental audio soundscape that meditates on Deep Time, past mass extinctions, and what it feels like to live on a rapidly warming planet. Come dream with us through 3.5 billion years of history. The 25 minute sound piece will be followed by a talk back with artists and audience. (image by Madeleine Boucher)

May 9 (Monday) 5:00pm: O, Longelica! is a participatory performance, collective re-imagining, and folk song sing-along, by Cecilia Lu with Joe Hoffman, ED Plowe, Marc Liu, and Zach Lee. In a fictionalized future gathering space, descendants of people who survived an apocalyptic flood piece together fragments of memory from life during that time. Together, through discussion and song, we interpret and make meaning from a key primary text — a journal from an herbalist relative who lived through the Flood Times. Outdoor in good weather, indoor in bad weather (contact Dean Erdmann for more information)

May 12 (Thursday) 7:00pm, artist talk by HaeAhn Woo Kwon: De-privatizing Dirt and Desire, HaeAhn Woo Kwon is a visual artist (visiting artist at the residency), whose practice transforms and combines everyday materials. Her recent research focuses on how shame around filth and waste is constructed via patriarchal ideology, instrumentalized and internalized to exert control over the other, predominantly women’s bodies and their biological functions. Kwon will discuss academic and artistic works that inform her practice, especially in relation to her recent collaborative installation at Franz Kaka Gallery in Toronto. (hosted by Dean Erdmann)

Amy Lam and HaeAhn Woo Kwon, Pink Outfit (shower base), dry-erase marker on fiberglass shower base

May 13 (Friday) 8:00pm, Movie Night (May is our movie month of the bizarre and funny): Gwoemul  (The Host) by director Bong Joon Ho (who also did Parasite), Korean movie from 2006; careless American military personnel dump chemicals into South Korea’s Han River. Several years later, a creature emerges from the tainted waters and sinks its ravenous jaws into local residents. When the creature abducts their daughter (Go Ah-sung), a vendor (Song Kang-ho) and his family decide that they are the only ones who can save her. (suggested by Pierre)

May 19 (Thursday) 7-9pm, Exhibition Opening: My Best Self, by Sabrina Haertig-Gonzalez; the exhibition is up May 19 to June 8

May 20 (Friday) 8:00pm, Movie Night (May is our movie month of the bizarre and funny): Liza, the Fox-Fair (2015), by Hungarian director Károly Ujj Mészáros, the film tells the story set in 1970s ‘Csudapest’ of a lonely nurse who visits a Mekk Burger restaurant to find romance, upon reading about it in a Japanese romance novel. Liza’s only friend, Tomy Tani, the ghost of a Japanese pop singer from the 1950s, is jealous and turns her into a fox-fairy, a demon from Japanese mythology. According to the legend, men who fall in love with a fox-fairy die soon afterwards. (suggested by Johannes and Neil)

May 21 (Saturday) 4:30pm onwards: BIG PARTY and “LET US EAT the COLORS of NATURE’S SPECTRUM”  The Soil Factory is planning an Un-Talent Show with sit-down dinner for all and all kinds of activities,- bring your ideas; arrive at 4:30 to set up, dinner at 5pm and UnTalent Show starting after dinner. Bring a colorful dish to honor the sumptuous colors of our foods, and the roles of sun, soil, rain, microorganisms, decaying matter, minerals and enzymes that craft the hues and tones that sustain and gratify us (Linda is sending out instructions). This is followed by an Un-Talent Show (get in touch with Anna Ialeggio on UnTalent Show and with Linda Weintraub on dinner) download flyer

May 25 and 26 (Wednesday and Thursday) 12-5pm: Installation of the art project Cosmic Cucumber Carousel, a  proposal to grow cucumbers on Mars in form of an opera, by Brooklyn-based artist Daniel Bozhkov (Hunter College); come by and help install a community cucumber patch at The Soil Factory; contact Margaret Ball

May 26 (Thursday) 6:30pm: Presentation and artist talk by Daniel Bozhkov (Hunter College)),- Daniel will give a presentation on his work, followed by comments from soil scientist Johannes Lehmann, astroecologist and soil scientist Morgan Irons, and community member and soil developer Margaret Ball.

May 27 (Friday) 8:00pm, Movie Night (May is our movie month of the bizarre and funny; now outside in the summer): On Body and Soul (2017), by Hungarian director Ildikó Enyedi, the film tells the story of a slaughterhouse director and the newly appointed meat quality inspector who discover they can communicate with each other through their dreams, leading to an unlikely romance. (suggested by Patty and Neil)

June tbd (Thursday) 4:30-6:30pm: Local Landscapes for Climate Mitigation, public health, food security, accessible nature, and green jobs; the fourth workshop in a workshop series organized by Jamie Vanucchi; flyer and detailed information here. please check back for dates

June 6-July 26, Artist-in-residence: Abigail Collins will stay at The Soil Factory, say hi to her when you pop in.

June (postponed): Concert, Ithaca Electrozone,; organized by E

July 28 (Thursday) 5:30pm: Soil Factory get together for social, planning, and chatting.

July 29 (Friday) 9:00pm: The film this Friday July 29th at 9pm is a fascinating 2012 Colombian film,  William Vega’s: La sirga, — haunting, beautiful visuals around a core of an unseen threat lurking… just over the horizon. Maybe even more relevant today, 10 years later.

August 3 (Wednesday) 6:30 – 8pm: Johannes is firing up our Soil Factory Pizza Oven for use between 6:30 – 8pm. Bring your own dough and fixings and make use of our community built cob oven.

August 3 (Wednesday) 8:30 pm: Abigail Raphael Collins (our current artist in residence) will share some information on her current work in progress, a video about queer director Dorothy Arzner who worked at the transition from silent to sound film in the 1920s/30s. Abigail will also screen video works by four other artists who explore sound and silence in moving image, including Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Christine Sun Kim, and Boudry/Lorenz.

August 11 (Thursday) 5-7pm: “Summer Studio”, a visioning exercise about what an undisciplinary summer school at The Soil Factory could look like. Provocateurs are invited to make some opening statements, everyone welcome to contribute. The provisional notes and outcome are posted here


August 12 (Friday) 9:00pm (come at 8:30 and have a chat), Movie Night:  Movie Potluck – bring an art movie or a scene from a movie or a short to share with everyone (either on your laptop or streaming or on a memory stick,- whatever works); we ended up watching:

The Swimmer, (Cecelia’s pick)
Szel, 1996 by Marcell Iványi (Neil’s pick)
The Meaning of Life, 2005 by Don Hertzfeldt (Kevin’s pick)
Les Indes Galantes, 2017 by Clement Cogitore (Johannes’ pick)
Mothlight, 1963 by Stan Brakhage; and an hommage (Patty’s pick)
CHUNKATHALON 2003, 2003 by Noah Albert, Dan Frazier, Brian Yazzie (Dan’s pick) found here: (pt. 1), 
This was a great event and we plan to do one each month or so!

August 15 (Monday) 6:30pm: Cecilia Hermansson is visiting The Soil Factory from the Rural Economic and Agricultural Society of Sweden and giving a presentation on “Experiences from creating a standard for carbon sinks with biochar”; more information about her work at (in Swedish)

August 18-27: Nsukka School – The Next Generation of Innovation: The Nsukka School describes artists that are associated with the University of Nigeria at Nsukka, who used uli—a form of body and mural decorative painting indigenous to the Igbo culture of Nigeria—in their work. The works shown here are from the 1980s and early 90s where a significant shift occurred towards more abstraction and a distinct departure from the original uli, a second revolution brought about by  students of Uche Okeke.

August 18 (Thursday) 5-7pm: Amanda Simson (Cooper Union) is visiting and giving a talk on her work around art, climate, biochar, engineering; she organized Cooper Climate Week, and organized an art&science exhibition this past Spring. (Amanda will be staying for a few days in the Soil Factory residency, pop in and say hello!)

August 19 (Friday) 9:00pm (come at 8:30 and have a chat), Movie Night: The Swimmer, 1968, with Burt Lancaster; well-off ad man Ned Merrill (Burt Lancaster) is visiting a friend when he notices the abundance of backyard pools that populate their upscale suburb. Ned suddenly decides that he’d like to travel the eight miles back to his own home by simply swimming across every pool in town. Soon, Ned’s journey becomes harrowing; at each house, he is somehow confronted with a reminder of his romantic, domestic and economic failures, until a final visit with an old flame (Janice Rule) leaves him devastated (RT). (suggested by Cecelia, it follows last weeks short The Swimmer!); here a write-up of the book by John Cheever in the New Yorker.

August 26 (Friday) 9:00pm (come at 8:30 and have a chat), Movie Night:

This week’s feature (hat-tip Dan Torop) is a return to slow cinema. Manakamana (2013), directed by Stephanie Spray and Pacho Velez of the Sensory Ethnography Lab, is a documentary set in Nepal. It is comprised of a series of long takes of pilgrims on a cable car which ascends to the Manakamana Temple.
Here’s an overview blurb from
“Pilgrims make an ancient journey in a state-of-the-art cable car. Their rides unfold in real-time, highlighting interactions with one another, the landscape, and this strange new mode of conveyance. Through these encounters, the film opens a surprising window onto contemporary Nepali lives, propelled along by the country’s idiosyncratic modernization.”
Come by for conversation plus at 8:30pm. Film should start around 9:00pm.

August 27 (Saturday) 12 noon: To prepare for an active fall calendar we are hosting a general clean-up at the Soil Factory warehouse and environs.  We can use all the help we can get, and free snacks will be provided.  All are invited!

August 28 (Sunday) 8pm: Performance and Exhibition (until September 4): Extra special treat. Come see Italian fire sculptor and contemporary artist Paolo Buggiani and video artist Cinzia Sarto as they take over the Soil Factory– both inside and out. Videos shown are listed here:

Buggiani Video Archive 1979-2019
la nuvola in testa
Quasi temporale 2014

September 1 (Thursday), 5-7pm: Cosmic Cucumber Carousel by Daniel Bozhkov; Daniel is giving an update on his project that has kept the soil factory busy with growing cucumbers.

September 8 (Thursday), 5-7pm: Circular BioNutrient Economy Book Launch, Reading, Performance and Exhibition; the publications from the workshop in October 2021 are printed and we will do a celebratory launch with reading and singing (yes, there is music outside)

September 10 and 11 (Saturday and Sunday), starts at noon, goes to noon: ScienceStudio & ArtLab – The Soil Factory celebrates community with hanging out together over a weekend. Put up your tent on the lawn, organize a nightwalk, mothing, pottery, building infrastructure and any activity you want to share. This is for everyone who is interested in interdisciplinarity, creativity, community building and sustainable development, no matter where you live and work.

September 16 (Friday) 8:00pm, Movie Night: Movie night returns to the exterior walls of the warehouse with Wim Wenders‘ award winning Wings of Desire.  Here’s your opportunity to see Peter Falk (of Columbo fame) in a very different fantasy. Trailer here

(Hat-tip to Patty Keller). Bring warm clothing and enjoy some popcorn!

September 18, (Sunday) 5-7pm Join artist Leslie Rogers to help prepare a performance that will happen atop a floating quilt, which will be stuffed with milkweed floss. The floss (that fluffy stuff inside the seed pod) is extremely buoyant and was foraged during WWII to make life vests for soldiers. Machines developed to separate the floss from the pods and seeds have been lost to history, but we’ll look at some recent prototypes and go at it ourselves. Last week, a group gathered at the Soil Factory to hear a bit about the project and forage for milkweed pods, which are now hanging to dry on display in onion sacks at the Soil Factory.

On Sunday the 18th, we’ll learn more about how one man with military funding attempted to become the milkweed baron of North America, the ways in which he was undermined by nature, and explore ways to handle and process milkweed pods (or just play with it) on a much smaller scale and for a much sillier reason.

September 20 (Tuesday) 6-7:30pm “Singing the Landscape“, an outdoor workshop led by artist Fritz Horstman, will engage participants in aspects of Deep Listening (drawing on Pauline Oliveros), Conduction (drawing on Butch Morris), and Horstman’s own practice of using the voice to evoke the landscape. No prior experience or training is necessary. You need only to bring your ears, your voice, and a willingness to participate. This 90 minute workshop will involve walking, standing, and sitting. Wear attire suitable for the outdoors. The artist will lead participants in methods of listening and vocalizing and together make an improvised composition.  Here’s an example of past singing.

September 23 (Thursday), 5-7pm: Patrick Costello is with us this week,- maybe he can share some thoughts and recent projects with us that evening.

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